Twitter Acquires ZipDial, an Indian Start-Up
I’m “Asian”
An on-going light-hearted “debate” I’ve had with my “North American” spouse is over the word “Asian” to describe anyone from Asia. I told him that if I, as someone native to the country of India, is “Asian,” than he, as a native to the country of the US, should be referred to as “North American.” […]
Comforting kadhi

Kadhi or curried buttermilk is a popular side dish from India that can also be enjoyed as a soup. It is consumed by villagers and urbanites. Kadhi is great served over rice or khichdi (or khichadi) – a delicious and healthy porridge made from rice, lentils and vegetables. In this photo, red cabbage was incorporated. […]
Microfinance is an innovative type of charity allowing effective improvement in the lives of many needy people in some of the most destitute areas of the world. One way to get involved in the concept is through The International Alliance for Women (TIAW). TIAW is an umbrella network of women’s organizations designed to support the […]